References to A132675

Decimal number representations of hexadecimal numbers whose form spells an American-English word found in a standard dictionary in lexicographic order.
10, 2746, 703178, 44013, 11325150, 181202413, 2766, 44269, 173, 2781, 712173

4 seqfan posts

Sat Nov 14 00:15:57 CET 2009    [seqfan] Re: A167827 Prime numbers such that the hexadecimal representation use only the digits A, B, C, D, E, F (and not the decimal digits).
Fri Nov 13 22:42:49 CET 2009    [seqfan] Re: A167827 Prime numbers such that the hexadecimal representation use only the digits A, B, C, D, E, F (and not the decimal digits).
Fri Nov 13 21:42:33 CET 2009    [seqfan] Re: A167827 Prime numbers such that the hexadecimal representation use only the digits A, B, C, D, E, F (and not the decimal digits).
Fri Nov 13 21:28:08 CET 2009    [seqfan] A167827 Prime numbers such that the hexadecimal representation use only the digits A, B, C, D, E, F (and not the decimal digits).

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