[seqfan] Re: Sequence needing more terms, A6156, squarefree ternary words

Ron Hardin rhhardin at att.net
Fri Jul 27 20:50:46 CEST 2012

It's possible I can add a term, but the thing hits an exponential-looking cost 
wall somewhere around there.

If you make a T(n,k) table, the rows are polynomials and maybe somebody can play 
guess the coefficients

current state:

T(n,k)=Number of square-free words of length n in a (k+1)-ary alphabet

Table starts

Rows 1-10
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k + 1
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^2 + 1*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^3 + 1*k^2
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^4 + 1*k^3 - 1*k^2 - 1*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^5 + 1*k^4 - 2*k^3 - 1*k^2 + 1*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^6 + 1*k^5 - 3*k^4 - 2*k^3 + 2*k^2 + 1*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^7 + 1*k^6 - 4*k^5 - 3*k^4 + 5*k^3 + 2*k^2 - 2*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^8 + 1*k^7 - 5*k^6 - 4*k^5 + 8*k^4 + 4*k^3 - 4*k^2 - 1*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^9 + 1*k^8 - 6*k^7 - 5*k^6 + 12*k^5 + 8*k^4 - 9*k^3 - 4*k^2 
+ 2*k
Empirical: a(k) = 1*k^10 + 1*k^9 - 7*k^8 - 6*k^7 + 17*k^6 + 12*k^5 - 17*k^4 - 
7*k^3 + 6*k^2

 rhhardin at mindspring.com
rhhardin at att.net (either)

----- Original Message ----
> From: Neil Sloane <njasloane at gmail.com>
> To: Sequence Fanatics Discussion list <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu>
> Cc: R. H. Hardin <rhhardin at mindspring.com>
> Sent: Fri, July 27, 2012 12:44:10 PM
> Subject: [seqfan] Sequence needing more terms, A6156, squarefree ternary words
> A006156 is the subject of several research papers, so it would
> be nice to  have a b-file. Ron, is this something that can be
> handled by your  techniques?
> Neil
> -- 
> Dear Friends, I have now retired from  AT&T. New coordinates:
> Neil J. A. Sloane, President, OEIS  Foundation
> 11 South Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, USA
> Phone:  732 828 6098; home page: http://NeilSloane.com
> Email: njasloane at gmail.com
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