[seqfan] What numbers n have sum of digits(n!) which is itself a factorial?

Charles Greathouse charles.greathouse at case.edu
Tue Aug 27 21:55:45 CEST 2013

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 176755, and no others up to 519557.

I think someone posed this to me as a question: "0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 have
this property; can you find others?". Unfortunately I don't recall who this
was; anyone want to take credit?

I found this when going through some of my notes from earlier this year.;
they say this was from April 30, but the calculation took a week of
continuous computer time so probably the question was posed around the 23rd.

Perhaps this sequence could be submitted to the OEIS, or alternately (since
176755 is the only known large term) to a collection like "What's Special
About This Number?" or Prime Curios.

Charles Greathouse
Case Western Reserve University

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