[seqfan] A120419 "A mysterious sequence"

Paul D Hanna pauldhanna at juno.com
Tue Aug 26 06:48:34 CEST 2014

    The "mysterious sequence":  https://oeis.org/draft/A120419 has keyword "obscure" ... 
I found that the e.g.f. satisfies the somewhat obtuse formula: 
    A(x) = ( 1 + Integral (A(x) * Integral A(x) dx) dx )^2. 
The sequence calls for a closed form; can someone derive a closed form for this e.g.f.? 
Note that the e.g.f. for Euler numbers (A000364) satisfy: 
    G(x) = 1 + Integral (G(x) * Integral G(x)^2 dx) dx  when  G(x) = 1/cos(x)  
 which makes one suspect that there is a closed form for A120419 
(and perhaps a simpler formula than I gave!). 

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