[seqfan] Fwd: MOVES 2015 - Call for papers

Max Alekseyev maxale at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 23:02:13 CET 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: National Museum of Mathematics <moves at momath.org>
Date: Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 5:00 PM
Subject: MOVES 2015 - Call for papers

 MoMath is pleased to announce that the second biennial MOVES Conference is
scheduled for August 2-4, 2015 in New York City - just after the Bridges
Conference in Baltimore and just before MathFest in DC.  Save the date for
this unique recreational mathematics research conference on the Mathematics
of Various Entertaining Subjects.

MOVES 2015 will be held in honor of recreational mathematics pioneers John
Conway, Elwyn Berlekamp, and Richard Guy.  Join us for featured research
keynotes, contributed research talks, and additional mathematical
activities that are fun and accessible for your entire family.

Registration and abstract submission for research talks and family
activities are now available at moves.momath.org.  The deadine for
submitting a talk or activity is March 1.  Registration will remain open
until June 1.

Laura Taalman
Mathematician-in-Residence at MoMath
MOVES Conference Director

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