[seqfan] Tipped Array Contours

Ron Hardin rhhardin at att.net
Fri Dec 19 00:09:42 CET 2014

Take an nXk array, make the top left element 0, and the bottom right element n+k-2-Q.

How many nondecreasing ways are there to fill in the array?   As if the numbers were contours of a tipped array.

With Q=0, obviously there is only one way.

Wiith Q=1, you get (Empirical)  binomial(n+k,k)-2 ways.

Can the formula be guessed for Q=2, 3,  below?

The Q=1 case is in OEIS row- and column-wise, and with antidiagonals as rows.  The formula is stolen from one of the rows.

T(n,k)=Number of nXk nonnegative integer arrays with upper left 0 and lower right n+k-3 and value increasing by 0 or 1 with every step right or down
Table starts

Empirical: T(n,k)=binomial(n+k,k)-2


T(n,k)=Number of nXk nonnegative integer arrays with upper left 0 and lower right n+k-4 and value increasing by 0 or 1 with every step right or down
Table starts


T(n,k)=Number of nXk nonnegative integer arrays with upper left 0 and lower right n+k-5 and value increasing by 0 or 1 with every step right or down
Table starts


rhhardin at mindspring.com
rhhardin at att.net (either)

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