[seqfan] wrong reference?

ALLOUCHE Jean-paul Jean-paul.ALLOUCHE at imj-prg.fr
Sat Dec 27 12:46:05 CET 2014

Dear all

I found what might be an error in a reference for sequence A001109 in the OEIS.
Namely the following reference is given there:
H. G. Forder, A Simple Proof of a Result on Diophantine Approximation, Math. Gaz., 47 (1963), 237-238.

while it seems that the intended citation was (almost certainly) the previous paper in the same issue
of the Gazette namely 
D. B. Eperson, Triangular numbers, Math. Gaz., 47 (1963) 236--237.

Might someone be kind enough to double check and make the correction (I am travelling right now,
and I might have forgotten when back)?

Many thanks in advance
all the best

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