[seqfan] deja vu

Antti Karttunen antti.karttunen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 15:50:04 CET 2014

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:02 PM,  <seqfan-request at list.seqfan.eu> wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 09:30:15 -0500
> From: David Newman <davidsnewman at gmail.com>
> To: Sequence Fanatics Discussion list <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu>
> Subject: [seqfan] deja vu
> Message-ID:
>         <CAEsMqd-uqUXzx4yYXbpPm8ZemceD0AQY9aiyQt0=5TYnBDALVg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I just had the experience of thinking of a sequence, calculating the first
> few terms, and looking it up in the OEIS, only to find that its entry, from
> more than five years ago, listed me as its author.

Yes, this has happened to me also, with an added twist that I cursed
in my mind that "who the cretin has given such a wrong starting
offset/missed the obvious initial term, for this otherwise useful
sequence!", before seeing my own name in the author field (after
scrolling down a bit).


> Have I, perhaps, written this note to the Sequence Fans before?
> ------------------------------

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