[seqfan] Re: withdrawal

Marc LeBrun mlb at well.com
Wed Dec 31 17:37:50 CET 2014

>="zak seidov" <zakseidov at yahoo.com>
> In my case, I often have nothing contra/pro the sequence itselfbut just wish
> withdraw my name as author.Is there any legal procedure for such an
> act?Thx,Zak

Why would you want to do that?

I believe what you are asking for would essentially be a way to make
anonymous submissions; that's probably not a good idea.

IIRC the "Author" field is just a way to record the submitter.  It is merely
a bookkeeping mechanism to track the provenance of items, to provide an
audit trail and a way to contact the person who originated the entry.

I think the label "Author" sometimes misleads people into thinking that the
person named in that field is the person who is the primary party
responsible for the intellectual content of the entry.

I can understand why that assumption might make a submitter uncomfortable,
but it's founded on a misunderstanding.  That interpretation doesn't make
sense.  Otherwise we'd have "Author" fields like "Euler", "Gauss" etc.

Is this the motivation?

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