[seqfan] A216607, A232091.

L. Edson Jeffery lejeffery2 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 06:02:38 CET 2014

The formula for A216607 is

a(n) = floor((1/4)*ceil(sqrt(4*n))^2) - n  (n>0),

and the formula for A232091 is

b(n) = ceiling(n/ceiling(sqrt(n)))*ceiling(sqrt(n))  (n>0).

Could someone please (try to) find the least n for which

(1) a(n) = b(n) - n

does not hold and let me know which n it is?

If (1) is not true, then I want to submit the sequence {b(n) - n} since it
is related to A232091.


Ed Jeffery

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