[seqfan] Re: A236767

Hans Havermann gladhobo at teksavvy.com
Fri Jan 31 19:30:48 CET 2014

I have actually never used Superseeker. I was going to generate for my own gratification a breakdown of the numbers showing the relationship to its fourth powers and primes:

2^2 = 1^4 + 3
10^2 = 3^4 + 19
37^2 = 6^4 + 73
82^2 = 9^4 + 163
442^2 = 21^4 + 883

I did this for 484 terms. I noticed that - except for the first term - the fourth power was of a multiple of three. Dividing by three and checking the terms, I found A089008, which led me to A089001.

On Jan 31, 2014, at 11:46 AM, Allan Wechsler <acwacw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hans, how did you notice the correspondence with A089001? Is this the sort of thing Superseeker finds?

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