[seqfan] Our cloud server (on Rackspace) was down

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 21:52:52 CEST 2014

and so the OEIS was down

Rackspace detected this, and after an hour or so,
moved us to a different disk.

The OEIS seems to be working again now.

Sorry for the disruption in service!


For the record: there were 2 messages from Rackspace. At 2:18pm today they

This message is to inform you that the host that your cloud server 'OEIS'
resides on has alerted our monitoring systems as of 18:18 UTC. We are
currently investigating the issue and will update you as soon as we have
additional information regarding what is causing the outage.

Please reference this ID if you need to contact support: CSHD9309

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. If
you have any further questions, please contact a member of our support team
by visiting us in live-chat or by calling 1.877.934.0407 or INTL
+1.210.581.0407. Thank you for your support.

Best Regards,
The Rackspace Cloud
US Toll Free: 1.877.934.0407
International: +1.210.581.0407

and at 3:24pm today they said:

This message is to inform you that the host that your cloud server 'OEIS'
resides on is showing signs of imminent hardware failure. As a
precautionary measure, we will be moving all cloud servers off of this host
immediately. Your Cloud Server will remain online for the majority of the
migration however a graceful reboot will occur as part of the migration
process. After your cloud server is online, please log into
https://mycloud.rackspace.com/ and verify the integrity of your cloud

They sent these messages both to me and David Applegate.

This is the third time (at least) in the past few weeks that we've received
messages like this from Rackspace.

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