[seqfan] Re: MathJax

L. Edson Jeffery lejeffery2 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 20:31:11 CEST 2014

>We've often talked about this subject in the past.
>But the problems seem impossible to solve.

If the overhead would not be too high, then there is one possible
"solution," if you want to call it that. The system could generate a page
on OEIS wiki corresponding to each sequence in the database, for example
like oeis.org/wiki/A000041. Interested contributors could then edit a page
using a combination of html and tex to create the content contained in the
different %-sections of a sequence while carefully typesetting the formulas
or equations wherever they appear, as can be done with any OEIS wiki page
currently. Users should use each author's original notation whenever

A disclaimer by oeis.org regarding accuracy of the content would likely be
necessary, since errors might be frequent, users might disagree about
notation, there could be many inconsistencies as is already the case with
notation in the sequence database, etc.; and OEIS editors would not be able
to monitor page content at all. One big problem, though, is the fact that
the database is so dynamic, with a sequence possibly having multiple edits
on a given day, so the wiki a-pages might be nearly impossible to maintain
with any real accuracy.

Ed Jeffery

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