[seqfan] Re: 999999999888888887777777666666555554444333221

Frank Adams-Watters franktaw at netscape.net
Sun Sep 21 01:11:14 CEST 2014

There are 66712890763701234740813164553708284 terms in the sequence, if 
I haven't made a mistake in my PARI program.

a(b) = {my(r=vector(b*(b-1)\2+1));
   r[1] = 1;
v = a(10)

By the number of digits, there are:

1, 1, 4, 5, 16, 82, 169, 541, 2272, 17965, 44407, 201751, 801515, 
4890886, 52218595, 165519640, 835947970, 4290442728, 24096524166, 
179566203960, 2739764737710, 9938147178960, 60997160143920, 
331360222255920, 2154105076695000, 14308355062630200, 
148898652724750500, 3043362702904524000, 12550859255187653400, 
85564729840752162000, 446033694177751680000, 3160644316242901488000, 
23904928042959835872000, 212227787619709557696000, 
2872257514324824658032000, 85739562818913709978272000, 
359325740171513750386752000, 1764944667656072549494848000, 
10004773552120178696264400000, 69366429961366572294099840000, 
546927620849236435395787200000, 6125589353511448076432816640000, 
65850085550248066821652778880000, 1448701882105457470076361135360000, 

This is the vector returned by the function a above, except that that 
vector has an additional leading 1. This is for zero-digit numbers; 
i.e., zero if we wrote it as the empty string instead of the way we do.

The number of values in bases 2 through 9 is:

1, 5, 80, 14381, 40885253, 2163451135829, 2525544441942679544, 

This also is not in the OEIS.

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Angelini <Eric.Angelini at kntv.be>

(My last post of the day, Gérard!)

Hello SeqFans,
Numbers showing, for any of their digit "d", exactly d copies of "d":


312332 belongs to S as there are exactly
one "1", two "2" and three "3" in 312332.

The sequence is finite (how many
terms?) and the last term is, of course,
this message header.



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