[seqfan] Missing terms in A251597

Felix Fröhlich felix.froe at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 16 11:09:43 CET 2015

Dear sequence fans,

I was looking at http://www.primegrid.com/primes/primes.php?project=GFN65536
and found that there are some primes which appear to be missing
from A251597. The reason I didn't include them when I submitted the
sequence is that none of the sources I used in gathering the sequence data
contains the terms 843832 and 857678.

Those two terms should probably be added to the data section of A251597.
Furthermore, does anyone know if there is a complete list of those primes
available somewhere? Unfortunately I do not have the resources or tools to
check the sequence data for correctness myself, as I believe checking the
range of terms listed in the data would require a significant amount of

Best regards,


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