[seqfan] Number of connected simplicial complexes

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 22:35:17 CEST 2015

Dear Seq Fans, Back in 1983 the physicist Greg Huber
sent me the initial terms of four sequences that arise in
the enumeration of simplicial complexes. The second one
is now A048143, and you can see an annotated
and corrected scan of his letter there.
But what about the first one? This is the number of
unlabeled connected simplicial complexes on n nodes. It
begins 1,1,3,14. It seems like a fundamental sequence in geometry.
If someone could find one or two more terms, we could add it to the OEIS.

Vladeta Jovovic, where are you when we need you?

Greg also mentions two other sequences arising from his study
of the early universe, but their definitions are not very explicit.

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