[seqfan] A071693; Number of ways to write n as n = x*y*z+x+y+z 0<=x<=y<=z<=n.

David Corneth davidacorneth at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 23:05:08 CEST 2015

I'm currently editing this sequence (one of the suggestions will be to
change the name to
"Number of ways to write n as n = x*y*z+x+y+z where 0<=x<=y<=z<=n."
I'd like to change it to
Number of ways to write n as n = x*y*z+x+y+z where 1<=x<=y<=z<=n.
and change the numbers. The edit would imply a subtraction of floor(n/2) +
1 = A008619(n) of each element. Would that be okay?


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