[seqfan] OEIS talk in Wales

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Tue May 12 20:39:44 CEST 2015

Several people said they would like to be
kept informed if there was an OEIS event in the UK.

I'm giving a talk about the OEIS next Thursday, May 21,
at 3:30 at The University of Cardiff,
in the Maths-Physics seminar series. The web page is

It says the talk is in in Room M/2.06, and all are welcome.
It does not say which building this is in, but I hope
to find that out before Thursday.  Here's the abstract:

*Title: *My Favourite Integer Sequences, or, Confessions of a Sequence

*Abstract:* The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (oeis.org) is a
free web site that contains information about a quarter of a million number
sequences. This talk will discuss some especially interesting examples from
geometry, arithmetic, cellular automata, etc., including the Hofstadter,
van Eck, Fredkin, EKG, Gijswijt, and Recaman sequences. There will be
music, movies, and many unsolved problems. Warning: some of these may
prevent you sleeping at night.

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