[seqfan] Fwd: Crandall memorial puzzle

Max Alekseyev maxale at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 02:37:09 CEST 2015


This looks like a nice sequence for the OEIS.
Would anybody familiar with Bessel functions care to add/extend it?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David.Broadhurst <david.broadhurst at open.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 7:11 PM
Subject: Crandall memorial puzzle
To: NMBRTHRY at listserv.nodak.edu

In honour of the memory of Richard Crandall (1947-2012), I
have devised a puzzle on prime numbers obtained from moments
of Bessel functions:


I commend this puzzle to Richard's many colleagues, noting
that "hand-to-hand combat with thousand-digit integrals" may
be insufficient to solve it, without using brain as well as
brawn. I have prepared a solution, together with a heuristic
analysis that I think Richard would have liked. This will be
released at the end of the year. Until then, happy puzzling.

David Broadhurst
4 October 2015
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