[seqfan] Re: Related to Collatz

Hans Havermann gladhobo at teksavvy.com
Tue Feb 16 16:32:01 CET 2016

> a(1) = 1, a(2) = 2
> a(n + 1) = floor[sqrt(a(n))], if not already in the sequence
> otherwise, a(n + 1) = a(n) + a(n - 1)
> The biggest question is if it's an integer permutation.

a(1274) = 39, a(1275) = 1627; floor(sqrt(1627)) = 40 = a(709), already in the sequence, so a(1276) = 39 + 1627 = 1666. But a(708) = 1666 also, so the sequence will not be an integer permutation.

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