[seqfan] Re: seeking additional editors for the Journal of Integer Sequences

Lang, Wolfdieter (ITP) wolfdieter.lang at partner.kit.edu
Sun Sep 4 19:04:51 CEST 2016

Dear Professor Shallit,
Thank you very much for your invitation to become a member of the editorial board of the  ` Journal of Integer Sequences (JIS)'.
I am refereeing papers of several Journals on physics and Mathematics, and I am also  an editor in chief of the OEIS. Therefore I will not find spare time to do the job of a member of the editorial board of JIS.

Of course, I could occasionally write a report on JIS papers (as I did before), especially ones concerning  Chebyshev polynomials, recurrences,  number theory applied to physical problems, etc.

Best regards,
Dr. habil. Wolfdieter Lang
(retired from Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Karlsruhe (nowadays called  Karlsruhe Instiyte of Technology), Germany)

Von: SeqFan <seqfan-bounces at list.seqfan.eu> im Auftrag von Jeffrey Shallit <shallit at uwaterloo.ca>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. August 2016 12:42
An: Sequence Fanatics Discussion list
Betreff: [seqfan] seeking additional editors for the Journal of Integer Sequences

The Journal of Integer Sequences
( https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/ )
founded by Neil Sloane, is seeking some additional editors to help with
the large volume of submissions.

Why you should become an editor:
        -- you get to read interesting papers before they appear
        -- you provide a valuable service to the mathematical community
        -- you get to improve papers by suggesting changes, additional
citations to the literature, and so forth
        -- you get some stimulus for your own mathematical investigations
        -- you get a little status by adding yet another editorial board to your CV
        -- you indirectly support the OEIS

Members of the editorial board typically handle no more than 6 papers
per year.  Handling a paper involves skimming the paper, deciding if
it's worth refereeing, choosing referees, obtaining reports from the
referees, reading the reports, and making a recommendation to the
Editor-in-chief (me).

If you are interested in becoming a member of the editorial board, and
if you are current or emeritus faculty in a mathematical area at a
university, please send me your name and any additional information you
think might be helpful.  I am particularly interested in having some
women editors and some more editors outside North America.


Jeffrey Shallit
Journal of Integer Sequences

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