[seqfan] labeled digraphs in A214398

Richard J. Mathar mathar at mpia-hd.mpg.de
Thu Aug 3 14:16:27 CEST 2017

If we arrange the triangle http://oeis.org/A214398 such that
it becomes an array T(n,k) (read by antidiagonals) of the form

1  1   1      1        1
1  4   9      16      25       36
1  10  45     136    325      666
1  20  165    816    2925    8436
1  35  495   3876   20475   82251
1  56 1287  15504  118755  658008
1  84 3003  54264  593775 4496388
1 120 6435 170544 2629575 ...

does this count in row n and column k the
labeled digraphs with n arcs and k vertices,
allowing multi-edges and loops? So would that be
the labeled analog of http://oeis.org/A138107 ?


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