[seqfan] Re: Need small amount of help with Apery-like numbers

Hugo Pfoertner yae9911 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 01:59:12 CEST 2017

The two new sequences are submitted as draft/A290575
<https://oeis.org/draft/A290575> and draft/A290576

The suggest X-Ref text is included:
Other Apery-like sequences are
A000172, A002893, A002895, A005258, A005259, A005260, A006077, A081085,
A093388, A125143, A183204,
A219692, A229111, A290575, A290576

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 10:49 PM, Hugo Pfoertner <yae9911 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sequences corresponding to Table 2:
> # A125143, but signs are different
> # bT2_delta.txt a=7 b=3 c=81 d=0
> 3,9,3,-279,-2997,-19431,-65853,292329,7202523,69363009,
> 407637387,702049401,-17222388453,-261933431751,-
> 2181064727997,-10299472204311,15361051476987,900537860383569,-
> 171396971074019,-201483136876228,
> # A229111, signs differ
> # bT2_eta__.txt a=11 b=5 c=125 d=0
> 5,35,275,2275,19255,163925,1385725,11483875,91781375,688658785,
> 4581861025,22550427925,-8852899375,-2431720493125,-47471706909725,-
> 699843878180125,
> # A002895
> # bT2_alpha.txt a=10 b=4 c=64 d=0
> 4,28,256,2716,31504,387136,4951552,65218204,878536624,12046924528
> <(204)%20692-4528>,
> # Axxxxxx not in OEIS
> # bT2_epsil.txt a=12 b=4 c=16 d=0
> 4,40,544,8536,145504,2618176,48943360,941244376,18502137184
> <(850)%20213-7184>,370091343040,
> 7508629231360,154145664817600,3196100636757760,
> # Axxxxxx not in OEIS
> # bT2_zeta_.txt a=9 b=3 c=-27 d=0
> 3,27,309,4059,57753,866349,13492251,216077787,3536145057,58875891777,
> 994150929951,16984143140589,293036113226223,
> # A005259
> # bT2_gamma.txt a=17 b=5 c=1 d=0
> 5,73,1445,33001,819005,21460825,584307365,16367912425 <(636)%20791-2425>
> ,468690849005,13657436403073,
> # A183204
> # bT2_s7___.txt a=13 b=4 c=-27 d=3
> 4,48,760,13840,273504,5703096,123519792,2751843600,
> 62659854400,1451780950048,
> # A005260
> # bT2_s10__.txt a=6 b=2 c=-64 d=4
> 2,18,164,1810,21252,263844,3395016,44916498,607041380,8345319268,
> # A219692
> # bT2_s18__.txt a=14 b=6 c=192 d=-12
> 6,54,564,6390,76356,948276,12132504,158984694,2124923460
> <(212)%20492-3460>,28877309604,
> Regards
> Hugo Pfoertner

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