[seqfan] Re: Links to trottermath.net currently malicious - maybe we link to a clean copy?

Georg.Fischer georg.fischer at t-online.de
Fri Apr 6 17:43:44 CEST 2018

Dear Neil,

you may have a look at
where I have "restored" Terry Trotter's site.
You could already take the ZIP file from
If the ZIP is unpacked, it creates a straight-forward
directory structure with 2 entry files
I removed the images from these two on purpose
since I felt they were not really professional.

I retrieved all other images from the current, hacked site,
but the HTML from the Wayback machine at 2004-12-09.
The ZIP contents should be clean.

Sometimes I hate been a "doubter", but I see
the following problems which I would like to discuss
before all or some pages are taken over to the OEIS:
- Does the OEIS want to save the whole site, or only
   the relatively few pages which are referenced from the OEIS?
- Is my assumption valid that somebody has scanned all the
   material for "new OEIS sequences" already in 2000-2004?
- I see no problems with copying all HTML files,
   but there are many pictures which may carry a
   copyright of other people, and which Terry probably
   had already Copied somewhere from the Internet.
- But leaving out all images is no option either,
   since quite a lot carry relevant mathematical information.
   For example there a scans of articles in the Journal of
   Recreational Mathematics which ceased publication in 2014.
- I left all internal links as they were in the Wayback version,
   that means they are also "way back", from 2004.
   Many still exist today, but many do not, and it
   would be much effort to decide between the two sets.
- I even kept the personal pages with lots of family photos.
   They should probably be removed, except for one photo of
   Terry himself?

Once you tell me what you want to keep or to remove, I
will recreate the ZIP accordingly.
I don't know where such "heritage" material should go in
the OEIS, but Terry's collection may perhaps not remain
the only one.

Best regards - Georg Fischer

Am 03.04.2018 um 19:58 schrieb Neil Sloane:
> Dear Georg,  You said:
> Therefore I propose that we copy all of Terry's pages
> which are referenced by OEIS sequences, and that we store them
> on the OEIS server.
> I would volunteer to build that mirror directory structure,
> test the internal links, and to pack all in a ZIP file which
> could be unpacked on the OEIS server by an administrator.
> Thereafter, the 31 references which are currently marked by
> a warning note could be redirected to the mirrored pages
> in a stable manner.
> Me:  This is an excellent suggestion, and it is very kind
> of you to offer to do this.  I say, Go ahead!  And tell
> what to do about unpacking the ZIP file.
> Best regards
> Neil

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