[seqfan] Least area of an irregular octagon.

michel.marcus at free.fr michel.marcus at free.fr
Sun Apr 29 11:41:10 CEST 2018

Hi all, 

This puzzle is available at http://www.affairedelogique.com/espace_probleme.php?corps=probleme&num=1051 
For n>=3, when the square is parallel to the axes, the area is n, where n is the number of units of the side of the square. See last comment in A000217. 
But the solution (not available without being a subscriber), mentions that for n=5 (so also in A009003-Hypotenuse numbers), one can draw a tilted square. 
In that case, for n=5, they show a configuration where the area is actually 4 rather than 5. 
So for n>=3, I have these terms: 3,4,4,6,7,8,9,?,11,12,? 
Is anyone interested in completing this sequence? 
Shall we get integer terms only? 

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