[seqfan] Which of these two definitions is better?

Ali Sada pemd70 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 13 07:03:10 CET 2019

Hi Everyone,

I changedthe sequence I sent earlier and made it more straightforward. It has twoversions now. 

Version 1:"a(n) is theleast multiple of n that consists of the digits of n, n+1, and an optionalextra digit."

Data: 12, 32,234, 504, 65, 276, 287, 928, 189, 10, 121, 132, 143, 154, 165, 176, 187, 198, 209,120, 210, 132, 2346, 2544, 625, 2678, 1728, 2968


Here, we havethe option of not using the extra digit. We add it if it gives us a smaller valueof a(n). For example, without an extra digit, a(9) should be 10111111119. Butsince we have the option of adding the extra digit, a(9) is 189.  

Version 2:

"a(n) is theleast multiple of n that consists of the digits of n and n+1. Add an extra digitwhen necessary." 


Data: 12, 32,4443, 544, 65, 7776, 8888887, 9888, 10111111119, 10, 121, 132, 143, 154, 165, 176,187, 198, 209, 120, 210, 2332.

In thisversion, we can use the extra digit only when we can’t have a value for a(n)without it. 


In bothversions, I still don’t know if we can have values for all n. 

In case oneof these sequences is suitable for the OEIS, I need some help calculating the terms!







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