[seqfan] An example of an unapproved page on the OEIS Wiki that is being cited in the OEIS: could people help clean it up?

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Sat May 16 08:09:37 CEST 2020

Dear Sequence Fans,
We run a tight ship in the OEIS - everything (with one exception) gets

The exception is the wiki.  There are thousands of pages there that have
never been approved, and are often badly written, wrong, or otherwise not
up to OEIS standards of correctness and rigor.

This causes trouble when people reference them in the OEIS database.
Normally that is discouraged.

Here is one example:


The History says it is the work of Forgues, Luschny, McEachen, Hasler.  So
it may be perfectly correct. But it is unapproved.  I would feel much
happier if some of the editors would look at it, make changes if necessary,
and indicate if it is ready to be approved.

It is cited in A111786, A129129, A210258, A328891, A036036.

This affects me like a cavity in a tooth.  We need to get it repaired -
either approve the Wiki page (that would be best) or else delete the
references to that page.
It is used in an essential way in A036036, at least.

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