[seqfan] Color and commas

Éric Angelini eric.angelini at skynet.be
Mon May 18 19:36:45 CEST 2020

Hello SeqFan,
The hereunder seqs were inspired by this one:
Anyway, they are easy to understand:

Here is the Pink Comma sequence and the Light Pink one:
« Color in pink the commas squeezed between two identical digits. The number of digits between pink commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Light pink
« Color in light pink the commas squeezed between two identical digits. The number of terms between light pink commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Next are the Gold Comma sequence and the Silver one:
« Color in gold the commas following a prime term. The number of digits between golden commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »
« Color in silver the commas following a prime term. The number of terms between silver commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

Next are the Red Comma sequence and the Blue one:
« Color in red the commas following an odd digit. The number of digits between red commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »
« Color in blue the commas following an even term. The number of terms between blue commas is given by the sequence itself. This is a permutation of the natural numbers and the lexicographically earliest such sequence. »

On my personal blog, the same message, with colored commas:
Please forgive my handmade typos!

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