[seqfan] A riddle to find a mathematician's name

Olivier Gerard olivier.gerard at gmail.com
Wed May 20 05:52:13 CEST 2020

Dear Seqfans ,

One of my correspondent wrote today to me with this problem

I'm hoping to identify a mathematician (known by one name) who has a
> sequence named for him/her and who authored a book with two words in the
> title.  The other clue I have is that the word value (A = 1, B = 2, etc.)
> of this mathematician's name and the word value of the sum of the two words
> of the book title equal one another, and that word value is 62.
> I was hoping that someone affiliated with your discussion group could help
> me find the name of this mathematician and this book title.

Any idea ?

Olivier GERARD

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