[seqfan] Re: Numbers expressed in non-decimal bases

israel at math.ubc.ca israel at math.ubc.ca
Wed Feb 10 16:32:42 CET 2021

Yes, there are quite a few sequences of that type, e.g. A007089 and A001738.


On Feb 10 2021, Pierre Abbat wrote:

> Is it appropriate to enter a sequence consisting of the representation of 
> a number in a base other than 10, if the number is naturally expressed in 
> that base? I've been working on some numbers related to Gosper Island, 
> which is inhabited by flowsnakes. The boundary of Gosper Island is 
> generated by breaking a segment (a side of a hexagon) in three pieces and 
> bending it, then breaking them each in three pieces, and so on. So a 
> distance along the perimeter is naturally expressed in base 3.

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