[seqfan] Editing several sequences related to A002405

Jack Grahl jack.grahl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 22:15:33 CET 2021

Dear all,

I have done some work on the sequences A002397-A002406 and A260780-1. The
outcome is that I have additional terms for almost all of these sequences.
I also have a pdf file where I've written some information untangling
exactly what the definition of these sequences is, and how they are related
to similar sequences in other works. The Python file that I wrote is quite
long, has several functions reused between different sequences and would
probably be better uploaded as a file than copy-pasted directly into
encyclopedia entries.

With this in mind:
- could I temporarily have permission to edit drafts of more than 3
sequences, so that I can work on all these sequences at once? I have an
active draft for A002405, and there are 8 related sequences I would like to
- is it preferable to upload the pdf somewhere and add a link, or add it
directly to the encyclopedia entries as a file? It has citations and the
format of a mathematical paper, but I don't intend to publish elsewhere and
it's not clear that it would be of general interest - it is specifically
intended to clarify the entry and justify the calculation of more terms.
- if the latter, should I add it to each entry, or just to one, and make
sure the other sequences mention that entry?
- same questions for the Python code. Upload or link? Upload to all entries
or just one?
- some of these sequences are given in the encyclopedia as all positive,
but in their actual definition they are all negative. Should sequences like
this be edited or left as they are?

In case it helps, the pdf is at
https://github.com/jwg4/numerical/blob/main/code/output/A002402.pdf and the
python code is at

Thanks in advance for your guidance!

Best, Jack Grahl

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