[seqfan] Presentation

David W. Wilson wilson at cabletron.com
Mon Mar 2 20:15:30 CET 1998

Dear Sequence Fanatics:

I am a software engineer at Cabletron Systems, Inc, in Durham,
NH, USA, a leading developer of network management hardware and
software.  During my 5+ years with the company, I have managed
sucessfully to avoid working on network software, and have
instead become the guru of installation software.  I live in
a mobile home with my lovely wife and 2 adorable children, who,
mercifully, have no inclination towards mathematics.  I will be
38 on March 21.  If you are thinking of an appropriate gift, I
would like Mathematica, the Book of Numbers, Tinker Toys, and
a subscription to some interesting mathematical journal.

At Cornell, around 1980, I stumbled on Neil Sloane's Handbook,
and thereafter spent several weeks perusing it, to the detrement
of my studies (thanks, Neil).  Three or four years ago, I
stumbled over the Online Database, and set to extending and
adding sequences, to the detrement of my work performance
(thanks again, Neil).  I was never remunerated for my efforts,
however, in his defense, Neil did send me a gratis copy of the
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, to the detrement of my
home life (thanks yet again, Neil!).

My mathematical interests range just about everywhere except
analysis and probability.  My mathematical abilities lag far
behind my interests.  My access to mathematical literature is
just about nil.

My biggest mathematical accomplishments to date are (1) the
discovery that certain sets related to the Collatz conjecture
are 2-regular, and (2) the computation of the 5th taxicab number.
(By the way, Simon Plouffe, have you finished with the database
I sent you?  I would like to include an address in the paper
I am writing about the discovery of the 5th taxicab number).

- - Dave Wilson

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