Where are the primes!? [seqfan]

Eric W. Weisstein eww6n at carina.astro.virginia.edu
Fri May 8 00:52:12 CEST 1998

Sloane's sequences A007908 (1, 12, 123, 1234, ...,) and A000422 (1, 21,
321, 4321, ...) contain surprisingly few primes.  Ralf Stephan
(http://www.tmt.de/~stephan/sm.ps.gz) searched A007908 up to 840 terms and
found _no_ primes (I've pushed it to 1300 terms so far).  Similarly, the
only prime in the first 750 terms of A000422 is the 82nd (I'm looking for
more).  Am I being completely bone-headed, or is there some good reason
for this?

On another curious note, the Smarandache Function (The smallest value S(n) 
for a given n for which n|S(n)! ; 
http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n/math/SmarandacheFunction.html) does
not attain the following values for n=1 to 40,000: 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40,
42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 60, ...  Does this sequence look familar
to anyone (it doesn't appear to be in EIS)? 

- -Eric

* Eric W. Weisstein          phone:  (804) 924-4899                       *
* U. Virginia Astron. Dept.  FAX:    (804) 924-3104                       *
* P.O. Box 3818              e-mail: eww6n at virginia.edu                   * 
* Charlottesville, VA 22903  WWW:    http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n * 

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