[seqfan]Suite de Perrin

Michel Tixier tixier at dyadel.net
Sun May 17 17:45:55 CEST 1998

            1)   I would like in the first place to thank Eric Weisstein
for this package IntegerSequences
    for Mathematica.

            2) As regards the sequence A013988 (suite de Perrin)
            a(0) = 3 , a(1) = 0 , a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
            2 divide a(2) = 2
            3 divide a(3) = 3
            5 divide a(5) = 5
            7 divide a(7) = 7
           11 divide a(11) = 22
           13 divide a(13) = 39

         "   n prime divide a(n) " it's a conjecture or a theorem ?

            Can anyone give me any information about this?


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