clearly is clearly

Wouter Meeussen eu000949 at
Tue Oct 12 00:40:48 CEST 1999

more where that came from:

res=Table[ Length[#]&  /@
      Split[Sort[Apply[Plus,KSubsets[Range[2n], n],1]-n(n+1)/2]], {n,0,9}]

if we could produce the n^2+1 values in the n'th row of "res"
then we could properly continue this sequence:
Length/@(Union /@  res)
we can put Humpty-Dumpty together again:


the above is the sum of all the (2n choose n) sums.

        I am sorry, but the terms
        do not match anything in the table,
        because it's too simple:
        Table[Binomial[2n,n] n(2n+1)/2,{n,0,9}]

and the average outcome is
{0, 3/2, 5, 21/2, 18, 55/2, 39, 105/2, 68, 171/2}
or   n(2n+1)/2

squeezing the (2n choose n) trials into the n^2+1
different outcome-categories *should* yield something
familiar, and it does.
Dr. Wouter L. J. MEEUSSEN
w.meeussen.vdmcc at
eu000949 at

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