A000396 and related

Antreas P. Hatzipolakis xpolakis at otenet.gr
Sat Jun 3 16:33:06 CEST 2000

ID Number: A000396 (Formerly M4186 and N1744)
Sequence:  6,28,496,8128,33550336,8589869056,137438691328,
Name:      Perfect numbers: equal to sum of proper divisors.
Formula:   The numbers 2^(p-1)(2^p - 1) are perfect, where p is a prime such
           that 2^p- 1 is also prime (see A000043, the Mersenne primes), and
           it is believed that there are no other perfect numbers.
                               there are no ODD perfect numbers.


Perfect            Number of Digits     Number of Aliquot Divisors
6                           1                         3
28                          2                         5
496                         3                         9
8128                        4                        13
33550336                    8                        25
8589869056                 10                        33
137438691328               12                        37
2^30(2^31 - 1)             19                        61
2^60(2^61 - 1)             37                       121
2^88(2^89 - 1)             54                       177
2^106(2^107 - 1)           65                       213
2^126(2^127 - 1)           77                       253
2^520(2^521 - 1)          314                      1041
2^606(2^607 - 1)          366                      1213
2^1278(2^1279 - 1)        770                      2557
2^2202(2^2203 - 1)       1327                      4405
2^2280(2^2281 - 1)       1373                      4561
2^3216(2^3217 - 1)       1937                      6433
2^4252(2^4253 - 1)       2561                      8505
2^4422(2^4423 - 1)       2663                      8845
2^9688(2^9689 - 1)       5834                     19377
2^9940(2^9941 - 1)       5985                     19881
2^11212(2^11213 - 1)     6751                     22425
2^19936(2^19937 - 1)    12003                     39873
.........               .....                     .....

Joseph S. Madachy: Madachy's Mathematical Recreations.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1979, p. 149
(1st publ. by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1966, under the title:
Mathematics on Vacation)


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