Wythoff Array

karttu at megabaud.fi karttu at megabaud.fi
Fri Jun 9 02:49:10 CEST 2000

> On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 karttu at megabaud.fi wrote:
> > 
> > John Conway wrote:
> > > 
> > >    This brings to mind Kimberling's wonderful and little-known theory
> > > about the entire set of Fibonacci-like sequences, which is much more
> > > interesting than discussing where they should properly start.
> > 
> > Dear John and Dear Jud,
> > 
> > this is just the Wythoff Array, A035513, about which
> > Neil gives a detailed explanation at
> > http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/classic.html
>     In fact I think most of that explanation (including this
> name) was provided by me, at the time when I learned of the
> Kimberling theory a few years ago!

Aha! By the way, how does Wythoff relate to that array,
and who was/is Beatty?

-- Antti

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