pseudo-wild numbers

Floor van Lamoen f.v.lamoen at
Mon Jan 15 22:49:44 CET 2001

Dear all,

I like the suggestion by NJAS for pseudo-wild numbers. Perhaps there is
a way to reach P. Schogt to see whether he really had a procedure to get
his sequence of four. 

Here is a variation of pseudo-wild numbers with wild behaviour...

%I A059175
%S A059175 0, 66, 66, 462, 180, 66, 31395, 714, 72, 9, 5, 15, 3, 36, 66,
39, 2, 9, 14, 462, 12, 12, 90, 3703207920, 1692600, 84, 243, 27,
3043425, 4002, 6
%N A059175 For a rational number p/q let f(p/q) = p*q divided by the sum
of digits of p and q; a(n) is obtained by iterating f, starting at n/1,
until an integer is reached, or if no integer is ever reached then a(n)
= 0.
%e A059175 3/1 -> 3/4 -> 12/7 -> 84/10=42/5 -> 210/11 -> 2310/5 = 462 so
%Y A059175 Cf. A058971
%O A059175 0
%K A059175 ,base,easy,nonn,

Kind regards,
Floor van Lamoen.

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