No subject

Richard Guy rkg at
Thu Jun 14 16:51:05 CEST 2001

I believe that Neil occasionally breaks his rule
that sequences should be infinite.  I expect
that the discriminants of complex quadratic
fields with class number one are there, and
perhaps the notorious example of which one
member is `Columbia University'.  I don't know
if the following is there.  If not, could
some Seqfan or Munster find the details and
offer them to Neil?

 From MR 2001e:11033 I learn that J Borwein &
S. Choi (and before them Mao Hua-Le) have
shown that there are 18 numbers not
representable as  yz + zx + xy  with x y z
positive integers, and, failing GRH, a 19th
larger than 10^{11}.

A hasty & no doubt erroneous guess at the first
few members is

1  2  4  6 10 18 22 30 42 58 ...     R.

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