New JIS paper

N. J. A. Sloane njas at
Fri Jun 22 01:48:33 CEST 2001

The following article has been added to the J. Int. Sequences:

Extended Bell and Stirling Numbers from Hypergeometric Exponentiation


J.-M. Sixdeniers, K. A. Penson and A. I. Solomon


Exponentiating the hypergeometric series 0FL(1,1,...,1;z), L = 0,1,2,..., furnishes a recursion rel
ation for the members of certain
integer sequences bL(n), n = 0,1,2,.... For L >= 0, the bL(n)'s are generalizations of the conventi
onal Bell numbers, b0(n). The corresponding
associated Stirling numbers of the second kind are also investigated. For L = 1 one can give a comb
inatorial interpretation of the numbers
b1(n) and of some Stirling numbers associated with them. We also consider the L>1 analogues of Bell
 numbers for restricted partitions.

[I'm sorry that the subscripts and superscripts got flattened out}

The URL for the journal is


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