[seqfan] Re: What is most special about a given integer?

Olivier Gerard ogerard at ext.jussieu.fr
Wed May 30 20:02:58 CEST 2001

(Simon Colton, by way of Olivier Gerard, repost of a previous partial post)

 Erich, Seqfans,
 As I'm sure you know, the Encyclopedia is perfect for answering
 questions about why numbers are special.
 For example, the number 67 - which has no "special" qualities yet on your 
 web page - is:
 prime (A000040)
 odious (A000069)
 lucky (A000959)
 cyclic (A003277)
 ludic (A003309)
 magic (A004210)
 fortunate (A005235)
 deficient (A005408)
 rhombic (A007970)
 and of course, an opus number for a Beethoven symphony! (A001491). Perhaps
 magic (A004210) is the most interesting feature here. Also noticed that 58 is
 the sum of the first 7 primes.
 I used my datamining program to get these, details on request.

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