mathematica program for recaman

Santi Spadaro spados at
Tue Oct 9 20:59:29 CEST 2001

I'm trying to write a Mathematica program to generate Recaman's 
sequence. I've written this code:

okQ[n_] := (Count[l[n - 1], g[n]] == 0  && g[n] > 0)

l[n_] := Append[l[n - 1], f[n]]

l[1] = {1}

f[1] = 1

g[n_] := f[n - 1] - n

f[n_?okQ] := g[n]

f[n_] := f[n - 1] + n

So f[n] is the nth term in Recaman's sequence. This works but the 
output is quite slow on the computer I'm using (An Imac)
Can anyone suggest me a faster program? (maybe a non-iterative one?)


Santi Spadaro


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