Re Recaman

Jud McCranie jud.mccranie at
Wed Sep 26 17:58:52 CEST 2001

At 11:03 AM 9/26/2001 -0400, David W. Wilson wrote:

>Our smallest Recaman-hard numbers (R(n) = 1355 et al) are near
>R(n)/n = 0.  Given that R(n)/n <= 7.3 on such a large range, one might
>be tempted to surmise that R(n)/n is bounded.  This would bode well
>for NJAS's conjecture, since R(n) would always be only a few steps
>away from R(n)/n = 0.

Large values of n still get down to small terms.  Between n = 1 million and 
137 million it gets down to 3378, between 10 million and 137 million it 
gets down to 4202, and between 100 million and 137 million it gets down to 

|     Jud McCranie                                        |
|                                                         |
| Programming Achieved with Structure, Clarity, And Logic |

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