Transformations(was: parity of...)

Leroy Quet qqquet at
Thu Aug 1 00:14:36 CEST 2002

jeremy.gardiner at wrote:
>Of course parity is not the only way to categorise integer sequences 
>but it is an important property.

>Perhaps other people have a view on this?

I have been wondering if in the not-too-distant future the Encyclopedia 
will have some high-powered software which will compare inputted 
sequences with a variety of transformations on sequences already in the 
database (such as the terms of a sequence plus one, or the terms of two 
sequences added, etc, etc, etc...).

The more transformations tried, of course, the slower any look-up will 
be. But this could GREATLY increase the possibility of any sequence a 
user of the Encyclopedia inputs being identified.

Leroy Quet

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