Reply etiquette, was Re: Göbel = Matula Numbering

Olivier Gerard ogerard at
Mon Sep 16 09:20:07 CEST 2002

Dear Seqfan Members,

I think I must say it publicly, after having made
private individual remarks.

Since every member of the seqfan list is receiving 
every message, it is not useful nor effective to 
copy the whole message you are referring to, especially
if that message is long and recent.

You are supposed to quote the relevant parts along
with your comments and reply.  If the original parts
are two or more times larger than your reply,
please reread it before sending.

This is at the same time easier to read, lighter
for slow connections, more pleasant to follow
and reply to.

There are of course clear and needed exceptions:
- you are replying to a quite old message or thread
	(some editing or summary may still be needed)
- you are copying the answer to someone out of seqfan
	(but the membership of seqfan is very open
	to anyone interested in integer sequences,
	without prejudice, just the opposite to mathfun
	for instance.  Suggest him or her to join us)
- you are dealing with a text/mail editor which is so
awful, you don't succeed in making the necessary edits.
(please change, free text editing software of good
quality exists on almost all platform).

I know this aspect of netiquette impose to take
a little more time when replying but it is worth it.

Olivier Gérard
Seqfan List Administrator

Le 15, Antti Karttunen écrivait:
> Jon Awbrey wrote:

[All 200+ lines cut]

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