Number(s) not in SEQs?

Robert G. Wilson v rgwv at
Thu Sep 19 17:15:07 CEST 2002

Et al,

        I am assuming here that we are also excluding sequences such as 
A000040: the Primes
and A002808: the Composites; and other sequence (Betty seq.) which are 
Also I assume that we need to exclude sequences of the natural numbers 
in various bases,
Gray code, etc.


ZAKIRS wrote:

>Dear all, 
>1.if we exclude A000027 (natural numbers), A005408 (odd numbers), and
>A005843 (even numbers),
>what will give Complement[A001477,Union[All SEQs save these 4 ]], say for
>If all numbers, say n<1000, are present at least in one SEQ, -
>2. what is the minimal set of SEQs (again excluding abovementioned 4 SEQs)
>containing all numbers, say for n<1000? thanks, zak
>p.s. any tools to do it with PC? 

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