Polyhexes with holes: A038144 and A057210

Ralf Stephan ralf at ark.in-berlin.de
Wed Aug 27 13:26:22 CEST 2003

Joseph S. Myers: 
> Indeed, and it wouldn't explain the reference to n=15 being where
> "di-circulenes" appear either.

Not having the paper, a wild guess would be this:

                        +---+       +---+
                       /     \     /     \
                  +---+       +---+       +---+
                 /     \     /     \     /     \
            +---+       +---+       +---+       +---+
           /     \     /     \     /     \     /     \
          +       +---+       +---+       +---+       +
           \     /           /     \           \     /
            +---+       O   +       +    O      +---+
           /     \           \     /           /     \
          +       +---+       +---+       +---+       +
           \     /     \     /     \     /     \     /
            +---+       +---+       +---+       +---+
                 \     /     \     /     \     /
                  +---+       +---+       +---+
                       \     /     \     /
                        +---+       +---+    

The Os are 'missing' C atoms, see?
I claim this is the smallest polyhex with two 'T-holes'.


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