Non-occurring differences in variants of A005282

Pfoertner, Hugo Hugo.Pfoertner at
Mon Feb 24 17:16:02 CET 2003


OEIS has 3 variants of the Mian-Chowla sequence.
A005282 starts with 1,2,4,8,13,..
A051788 starts with 1,3,4,8,14,...
A058335 starts with 1,4,5,10,12,...
I have calculated 3 Seqs A080200, A080201 and A080932 (just submitted)
with the non-occurring pairwise differences between elements of the
3 variants. The smallest differences are 33,49,26,...
A generalized Mian-Chowla sequence starting with 1,n will produce
other gap sequences.

I just submitted:
%I A080933
%S A080933 33 49 26 15 30 19 44 13 38 50 54 58 44 46 25 20 45 10 13
%N A080933 Smallest non-occurring pairwise difference between the elements
of a Mian-Chowla sequence (A005282) variant starting with (1,n).
%D A080933 See under A005282.
%H A080933 Hugo Pfoertner, <a
href="">Fortran program to
create the Mian-Chowla sequence</a>
%e A080933 a(2)=33 because the smallest non-occurring pairwise difference
between the
terms of A005282 (starting with 1,2) is A080200(1)=33.
a(3)=49 because the smallest non-occurring pairwise difference between the
terms of A051788 (starting with 1,3) is A080201(1)=49.
a(4)=26 because the smallest non-occurring pairwise difference between the
terms of A058335 (starting with 1,4) is A080932(1)=26.
%o A080933 Fortran program available at link. Setting of initial terms has
to be modified as indicated in the comment.
%Y A080933 Cf. A005282, A051788, A058335, A080200, A080201, A080932
%O A080933 2
%K A080933 ,more,nonn,
%A A080933 Hugo Pfoertner (hugo at, Feb 24 2003

I calculated a(99)..a(102)=26,28,46,22,

My question: Will this sequence eventually become periodic or even constant
for large n?

Hugo Pfoertner

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