a[m+2]=a[m+1]^2-a[m] & A Continued Fraction

Leroy Quet qqquet at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 29 02:12:25 CET 2003

This is probably well known.

Let a[1] = 1, a[2] = 2; and for all positive integers m:

a[m+2] = a[m+1]^2 - a[m].

(1, 2, 3, 7, 46,...)

This is sequence A058181 of the EIS, with a shift in the indexing.


If c[m] = [a[1];-a[2],a[3],-a[4],a[5],...,+-a[m]],

where c[m] is the m_th convergent of a continued fraction (where the
terms are the a[m]'s alternating in sign); then:

a[m+2] a[m+1] = 

(c[m] + 1)(c[m+1] + 1) /(c[m] - c[m+1]),

for all positive integer m's.


Related: Sequence A058182:
I don't quite understand what is meant on this page of the EIS under
What is a "continuant"?

Leroy Quet
(Posted this to sci.math as well.)

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