EDITED A083140.

y.kohmoto zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp
Fri Jun 13 11:03:59 CEST 2003

    Robert G. Wilson wrote,

> a(20) should be 33 and not 27 and a(27) should be 39 and not 33. I also
added the
>Mathematica coding and extended the sequence.

    Why? Then, where does 27 exist?
    It doesn't become a permutation.

    "n-th line is a sequence of integers whose smallest prime factor is
    So, second line is not A001748 and third line is not A001750.


>Thanx. Bob.
>PS, would you like the determinants of this? It would begin: 2, 6, -60,
>%I A083140
>%S A083140
>%T A083140
>%U A083140
>%N A083140 Sieve of Eratosthenes arranged as array and read by
antidiagonals in up
>direction. n-th line is a sequence of integers whose smallest prime factor
>%C A083140 A permutation of natural numbers more than 2.
>%H A083140 <a
>entries for sequences that are permutations of the natural numbers</a>
>%e A083140 Array begins:
>%e A083140  2   4   6   8   10 .... (A005843)
>%e A083140  3   9  15  21   33 .... (A001748)
>%e A083140  5  25  35  55   65 .... (A001750)
>%e A083140  7  49  77  91  119 ....
>%e A083140 11 121 143 187  209 ....
>%t A083140 a = {Table[2n, {n, 1, 12}], Join[{3}, Table[3Prime[n], {n, 2,
>Join[{5}, Table[5Prime[n], {n, 3, 13}]], Join[{7}, Table[7Prime[n], {n, 4,
>Join[{11}, Table[11Prime[n], {n, 5, 15}]], Join[{13}, Table[13Prime[n], {n,
>16}]], Join[{17}, Table[17Prime[n], {n, 7, 17}]], Join[{19},
Table[19Prime[n], {n,
>8, 18}]], Join[{23}, Table[23Prime[n], {n, 9, 19}]], Join[{29},
>{n, 10, 20}]], Join[{31}, Table[31Prime[n], {n, 11, 21}]], Join[{37},
>Table[37Prime[n], {n, 12, 22}]]}; Flatten[ Table[ a[[i, n - i]], {n, 2,
12}, {i, n
>- 1, 1, -1}]]
>%Y A083140 Cf. A083141, A083221, A004280, A038179.
>%K A083140 nonn,tabl,new
>%O A083140 2,1
>%A A083140 Yasutoshi Kohmoto (zbi74583(AT)boat.zero.ad.jp), Jun 05 2003
>%E A083140 Edited, corrected and extended by Robert G. Wilson v
(rgwv at rgwv.com),
>Jun 11 2003

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